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Life Skills


The Life Skills programme is delivered to all students in Years 7-11. A bespoke programme for students in Year 12-13 is arranged by the Head of Sixth Form. Students have one Life Skills lesson per week (Year 7-10) and regular Life Skills lessons in Year 11. The programme covers all aspects of personal development including study skills, relationships and sex education, moral and social awareness, citizenship, careers guidance, health education and social issues, including all forms of bullying and discrimination. Our Life Skills and wider curriculum ensure diversity is embraced and valued, including the support we provide to the LGBTQ+ community.

A key aspect of the Life Skills programme is focused on empowering our students to keep themselves safe at all times, both off- and on-line. On-line safety is central to the work we do in this area, specifically in relation to the risks of child sexual exploitation, abusive relationships, people trafficking, County Lines activity, gang culture and extremist radicalisation.

Booklets and assessment

Written work done during lessons is completed in a booklet which students are encouraged to take home at the end of each half term. The booklet contains signposting as to where students can look for further information. Learning is informally assessed at the end of term. This allows us to see what areas students are confident with and what needs further work. A sample of booklets are collected in, scanned and returned to students. This allows us to check progress.

Student voice

Students are given regular opportunities to give their opinion on Life Skills. Following each topic every student completes an evaluation in which they are asked their thoughts. At the beginning of each academic year, prefects are given time to discuss and analyse the Life Skills curriculum with their Head of Year. This is then fed back to the Life Skills Coordinator.

Support for SEND

Life Skills sessions are designed to be accessible to students with SEND. The lessons and booklets are clear and formatted to be accessible for students with SEND. Following every Life Skills topic, a focus group is held with a sample of SEND students from each year group. This is to check students’ understanding of the topics and to allow them to express any questions.

Communication with parents

At the end of each term, parents/guardians are informed what their child will be learning next half term. As well as the topic outline, they are sent information in case they wish to discuss the topic at home.

In the final term of the academic year, parents will be invited to take part in a Life Skills consultation. Key information is given about the Life Skills curriculum and policies and parents are given the opportunity to ask questions and voice opinions on the Life Skills curriculum.

Statutory Guidance

In accordance with updated guidance on ‘Relationships Education’ and ‘Relationships and Sex Education’, we focus on more sensitive issues that may play a significant role in the lives of our students, notably in relation to forced marriage, honour-based violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, female genital mutilation and different forms of peer-on-peer abuse.

Personal development outside of Life Skills lessons

Our ‘Theme of the Week’ schedule allows us to cover many of the issues outlined above in assemblies and form period activities. We actively engage with a range of external agencies and our students have the opportunity to participate in workshops delivered by medical professionals, the police and the Counter Terrorism Team, to name a few.

Central to our wider curriculum provision is the promotion of British Values designed to ensure our students value the importance of the law and the principles of democracy, as well as playing their role as tolerant citizens in an increasingly diverse society.

The school offers a challenging programme of visits, residential experiences, and foreign exchanges. The willingness of staff to contribute to extra-curricular activities is widely evident and greatly appreciated. We have a multi-faith prayer room that is open to students from all religious backgrounds throughout the day. Our students celebrate different religious festivals and embrace the diverse nature of our school community. Students are encouraged to express their culture and are given specific opportunities to do so, such as culture days.

Please click on link here to access DFE guidance for parents on the ‘Relationships, Sex and Health Education’ curriculum.

British Values week October 2022

 Click here for British Values week

Life Skills Curriculum Provision 2023-24

Assembly Rota and Form Programme 2023-24