School Performance Data 2022
We are delight that our GCSE results in 2022 are again well above the national average for student progress and attainment. Please use the link below to see further details.
& Sixth Form Centre
We are delight that our GCSE results in 2022 are again well above the national average for student progress and attainment. Please use the link below to see further details.
We have now received the letter from our recent Ofsted Inspection which took place on 27th and 28th September. Please click here to see the letter.
We are delighted that the inspection team have confirmed that Hillcrest continues to be a good school and maintains its Ofsted ‘Good’ rating.
Join our highly successful Sixth Form in September 2023
Please click here for the full prospectus Hillcrest Sixth Form Prospectus
To apply for a place in September 2023 please click the link below for our sixth form application page
If you have any questions please email our Head of Sixth Form Mr L Provis
A LEVEL and BTEC Level 3 RESULTS 2022
Another year with a 100% pass rate (for the 12th consecutive year).
Hillcrest Year 13 students achieved:
A* = 28% (14.6% nationally in 2022)
A* & A = 74% (36.4% nationally in 2022)
A* to B = 90%
A* to C = 94% (82% nationally in 2022)
A* to D = 100%
A*to E = 100% (98.4% nationally in 2022)
100% of students are now on University or Apprenticeship routes.
Exceptional individual results include Duaa who achieved 3 A* grades in Maths, Further Maths and Physics and grade A in Chemistry, and has a place at Churchill College Cambridge. Dania who achieved 3 A grades in Maths, Chemistry and Biology, and has a place at Kings College London. Aiyah who achieved 3 A grades in Maths, Chemistry and Biology. Rumaysah who achieved A* in Criminology and A grades in Psychology and Sociology. Fatima who achieved A* in Psychology, A in Sociology and B in Criminology, and has a place at the University of Birmingham.