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Admissions Policy

Students are admitted to Hillcrest each year with regard to the authority admissions policy up to the standard limit of 120 places. The criteria for admissions are as follows:

  • Students who are looked after by the Local Authority (Children in Public Care); who will be guaranteed a place at their nearest community school if it is not possible to meet any of their preferences.

  • Students who have elder brothers and sisters who will still be in attendance at the school in September of the current academic year.

  • Students who live nearest the school by straight line measurement.

Students with a statement of special educational needs/EHC plan is required to be admitted to the school that is named in the statement/plan. This gives such children overall priority for admission to the named school. 

To learn more about the Birmingham LEA admissions policy visit their website here: Birmingham School Admissions and Appeals Service

Please refer below to the Hillcrest School Admissions Policy 2026-27. We are currently in the process of consulting stakeholders on the 2026-2027 Admissions policy. The consultation process will take place between  1st October 2024 - 31st January 2025. If you would like to participate in this process and express your views on the proposed policy, please email

Hillcrest Application Guide 2024-25

 Click here for Application Guide 2024-25

Consultation: Admissions Arrangements 2026-27

Please see the link to the proposed admissions arrangements to Hillcrest School for 2026-27.  The consultation period for 2026-27 Admissions Arrangements ended on 31st January 2025.

Click here - for the proposed admissions arrangements.