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Sixth Form Applications



Thank you for your interest in Hillcrest Sixth Form. Our Sixth Form Centre is co-educational and inclusive. We offer a number of both academic and Level 3 vocational courses with a range of pathways, which are taught by teachers who have expertise in their subjects. Student performance at Hillcrest Sixth Form is excellent and we were pleased with our 2019 results, with value added in all subjects and 56% of grades at A*-B; our progress score, which compares our students with those who have similar GCSE results, was “well above average.” A system is in place to ensure that pastoral advice and guidance is always at hand to support students throughout their time in the Sixth Form. Students are provided with the opportunity to gain additional qualifications through the Enrichment Programme . The EPQ is available for students in both Year 12 and Year 13 to complete over one or two years. During enrichment, students are taken step by step through their university application and receive advice and guidance from a range of visiting speakers from higher education, apprenticeships, employers and training providers. The excellent results that our students achieve have allowed recent Year 13 leavers to gain places at a range of universities, including Russell Group, on a wide range of degree programmes including law, biomedical science and politics.

Application Form 

For those wishing to apply for September 2024 entry, please email with the subject heading "Sixth Form Application" and marked FAO Mr Squires, Head of Sixth Form.

For those wishing to apply for September 2025 entry, applications will open in September 2024.

Sixth Form Application Prospectus and Application form

Hillcrest Sixth Form Prospectus

The above link will give you details of the subject overview and entrance requirements for further details on how to apply please email Mr Provis

What Happens After Your Application Submission?

We will contact the person you indicated as your referee on your application form to provide a reference.  In January, you will receive an invitation to an interview with the Head of Sixth Form to discuss your application, after which a letter will be sent to confirm whether you have received an offer.  Offer holders will be contacted in the summer term with details of induction and the arrangements for the start of Year 12, and places are confirmed on GCSE Results Day.