Half Term
This half-term will end on Friday 27th October at the normal school finish time.
School will re-open again for all students on Monday 6th November 2023 with registration at 8.45am.
& Sixth Form Centre
This half-term will end on Friday 27th October at the normal school finish time.
School will re-open again for all students on Monday 6th November 2023 with registration at 8.45am.
The British American Football Association are hosting a free taster day for girls aged 14-19 at Avery Fields, B17 8DT in Bearwood on Saturday 3rdJune 3rd
Hillcrest School will remain closed today (10th March 2023) due to adverse weather conditions.
Hillcrest School will be closed today (9th March 2023) due to adverse weather conditions.
Information for parents and carers
A community group that organise a weekly run. Similar to park run they start at 9am on Saturday mornings with options of 2k, 4k and 5k run or walk. The weekly event includes a warm up led by Kevin Oakes from KORunning, a local running coach. After the event they have tea, squash and biscuits. For more information, check out the Facebook page at facebook.com/LeyHillRAW.
As a school that has previously shown an interest in developing girls basketball, we wanted to share details of a new All Girls session that we are starting here at City of Birmingham Rockets.
Starting on Saturday 14th January our new All Girls Skill Development sessions will take place at Heartlands Academy from 11-12.30 each week. The sessions are aimed at any girls aged 11-18 who have shown an interest in playing basketball and wish to develop their skills.
Our registration form is here: https://www.cobrockets.co.uk/girls-development-sessions/
Our new all-girls Saturday sessions at Heartlands Academy (B7 4QR) take place from 11:00am – 12:30pm and are open to players aged 11-18 years old – sessions will commence on 14th January 2023.. These sessions offer the ultimate way for players to improve and enjoy basketball in an environment catered for female participants. www.cobrockets.co.uk |
We would be grateful if you would share this with any girls in your school who might be interested in attending and developing their basketball skills with our club coaches who will be supported by players from our Rockets women's team!
Hillcrest School will close for the Christmas break on Friday 22nd December at 12.30pm.
School reopens for ALL students on Tuesday 9th January at 08.45.
If you have a safeguarding concern, please refer to the useful links below to access the support you may need.
If you are a student and/or parent and are in need of additional support for your well-being or mental health, please refer any of the organisations below:
Kooth - https://www.kooth.com/
Forward Thinking Birmingham - https://forwardthinkingbirmingham.nhs.uk/ or ring 0300 300 0099
Young Minds - https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
You can also use the Waiting Room to find information on a range of support services in Birmingham, including housing and financial support - https://the-waitingroom.org/
If you require immediate assistance, please contact the Samaritans or call 999 in an emergency. If you require support from Birmingham Children's Services please ring 0121 303 1888.
Additionally, you can access further support by visiting http://www.hillcrest.bham.sch.uk/keeping-children-safe