School Reopening

Week 1
Monday 31st August - Bank Holiday (No staff or students required in school)
Tuesday 1st September - Teacher Training Day 1 (No students required in school)
Wednesday 2nd September - Teacher Training Day 2 No students required in school, except
Year 13 Enrolment 1330 to 1430 in the OLC
Further details of the return to school process of reintegration and reorientation for students and COVID-19 control systems and measures will be sent in mid-August, so please check your ParentMail emails and the school website.
Thursday 3rd September - Year 7 start school at 8.45 am (Year 7 Induction Day 1)
Parents Information Morning (Year 7) 9-11am
Friday 4th September - Year 7 start school at 8.45 am (Year 7 Induction Day 2)
Year 12 Induction Day 0930 to 12noon
Week 2
Monday 7th September
Year 11 return to school at 8-45am
Year 10 return to school at 10am
Tuesday 8th September
Year 9 return to school at 8-45am
Year 8 return to school at 10am
Risk Assessments and Plans for Re-Opening
We would like to assure you that we are working through the summer to do everything needed to make your child’s return to school in September a safe, happy and positive one. The updated risk assessments, systems of control measures and plans for re-opening will be available on our school website from mid-August and a brief outline will be sent via ParentMail. We will be monitoring the Department for Education and Public Health England guidance closely and will keep you informed if there are any further changes to our start of term arrangements.
I would like to thank you for your support over the last year, especially in these difficult times. Please continue to follow the current government guidance and enjoy the summer break, we look forward to seeing everyone in our school community next term.
Free School Meal Vouchers over the Summer Holidays
The government have confirmed that students, who are eligible for Free School Meals, will continue to receive £15 per week free school meal vouchers (per student)
over the school summer holidays.
• On the 13th July you will receive: - £45 (£15 x 3 weeks of 13th, 20th and 27th July)
• On the 3rd August you will receive: - £60 (£15 x 4 weeks of 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th August)