Hillcrest School is now closed for the Half Term Holidays.

Hillcrest School is now closed for the Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 22nd February at 9am for registration. Students will be taught remotely with a mixture of live lessons, pre-recorded lessons and tasks set on Show My Homework.
If any students who has been attending school provision since January test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) during the holidays, having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in, please email enquiry@hillcrest.bham.sch.uk
Safeguarding: If you have any other concerns that are affecting your child's emotional well-being, or are concerned about a Hillcrest student, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the safeguarding team (safeguarding@hillcrest.bham.sch.uk) for advice and support.
We hope you enjoy your half term break but please remember to follow the current government guidance to keep everyone safe. We look forward to seeing all our students next half term.
Kind regards
Hillcrest School & Sixth Form Centre