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Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Pearson Edexcel Psychology

GCSE Exam Board Website: 

Course Contact - Mrs A Hubble

Course Overview 

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. At GCSE, you will study deeply about the brain and it’s link with our behaviour, personality, sleep, and actions. You will also look at psychological disorders and what happens if the brain is damaged in any way. In Psychology you will analyse, discuss questions about why we think and act in a certain way and study brain processes such as making memories, how we develop from the womb to adulthood and how psychological treatments impact the brain.

Assessment Details

Paper One – 1 hour 45-minute exam – 55% of overall grade:

• Development – How did you develop? Can morals differ between cultures?

• Memory – How does your memory work? Is memory supposed to be accurate?

• Psychological Problems – How might Depression or Addiction affect you?

• The brain and neuropsychology – How does your brain affect you? Brain functions

• Social Influence – How do others affect you? Why did soldiers follow Hitler’s tragic orders?

Paper Two – 1 hour and 30-minute exam – 45% of overall grade:

• Research Methods – How do you carry out psychological research?

• Criminal Psychology – Why do people become criminals?

• Sleep and dreaming – Why do you need to sleep and dream?

Why Study This Course

Psychology is a very interesting and valuable subject which can lead you onto many job avenues, ranging from being a Clinical Psychologist, Sports Psychologist, Social Worker, Neuropsychologist and so on. Not only this, Psychology also equips you with the skills to ask deeper questions about the mind. Psychology, as a Social Science subject studying behaviour, will further enhance your understanding of the world and beyond.

Science - Careers in the Curriculum Priorities 

Psychology is a science, and with that comes certain necessary skills of how to successfully carry out objective and scientific research. Students will be taught these skills in term 1 (year 10) and then build on these skills throughout the rest of the course.

• To develop communication, interpretation and analytical skills that are needed in the Social Science world.

• To develop an understanding of transferable skills that are learnt in studying Psychology, and how these skills can be utilised in a range of careers.

• To develop an understanding of the further study options and careers that psychology is particularly useful for

• The careers links covered in lesson will enable students to make informed choices about post-16 education and beyond.